A Wealth of Good Health


Lately, my friends and I have been creating weekly healthy challenges for ourselves in efforts of living a healthy lifestyle (and of course, you know, looking good in a bikini). Each week, we’ve decided to set healthy goals that are achievable yet rewarding. One of this week’s goals is to eat a salad or something green for at least one meal each day. We’ve also decided to commit to going to the gym (or non-gym exercising) at least 6 days a week. This is going to be something we strive for until it becomes apart of our routines and we won’t have to even give it any thought.

I decided to participate in these goals for multiple reasons. Of course, the most rewarding reason is seeing killer results in the form of how my body will transform. When you are fit, you look better in clothing (and out of them). I mean, this is a fashion blog. You didn’t really think I wouldn’t take that into account, did you? Still, I want to do these challenges to feel better each day. I’ve read that if you exercise regularly, you are more happy and energetic. Sometimes, I struggle with being exhausted when I haven’t done much all day. And if exercising came help improve my mood and energy then it definitely is something I want to make apart of my routine.

Now that it’s Summer time and we all have more free time, we can all do this together.

Here are my personal goals for this summer:

1. Eat breakfast.
Eating breakfast is the perfect way to jumpstart your day and your metabolism. Also, if you eat a fiber rich breakfast, it will help you feel fuller, longer, causing you to snack less throughout the day.

2. Eat 5 times a day.
This includes 3 meals and 2 snacks between those meals. Eating every 2-3 hours has been shown to help speed up your metabolism, which helps burn and keep off fat.

3. Eat healthy foods and snacks.
I have a pinterest board full of healthy meals and snacks that I want to try. Since it’s summer, I have a lot of time to experiment in the kitchen. If you want to see what I’ll be trying, follow my healthy eating board here.

Eating clean or healthy is essential when you exercising. Not only those it aid in transforming the body, but it makes you feel better overall. Eating nutrient rich foods gives you more energy and it makes me feel better emotionally. If you’d had McDonald’s for breakfast and then decide to workout, you will feel sick. You need foods packed with protein and nutrients to give you the energy and strength to perform your exercises.

Other healthy snacks I enjoy include: Kind Bars, Almonds, Macadamia nuts, and Auntie Angie’s Boom Chicka Pop.

4. Drink water and green tea daily.
Green tea has been shown to help speed up metabolism and burn fat. Water is essential, especially in the summer, as a source of hydration and it also can help flush out toxins in your body.

5. Work out 6 times a week.
I want to do some form of exercise at least 6 times a week. This can include going to the gym, running, biking and blogilates.

For inspiration and motivation, you can follow my fitness tumblr, where I post and reblog pictures of quotes, fitspo, exercising and foods I want to try/incorporate in my diet.

If you’re going on a healthy lifestyle journey, share what you’re doing and some of your tips below. The more people that join in the conversation, the more we all will feel motivated to continue on the journey. Good luck with all of your goals. We can do this.

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Monday, May 05, 2014

I’ve Got a New York State of Mind


Yesterday, I went to see The Amazing Spider-Man 2. I love superhero movies and Spider-Man is one of my favorites, so of course I had to see it. As I was watching it, I kept fantasizing about going back to New York. The movie is not about New York, specifically. Although, that’s one of the themes that registered in my mind throughout the entire movie. Seeing the land marks and hearing the references to New York really made me want to go back. 
When I went to New York last year, I felt like it was where I belonged. It’s huge, so I would have new things to do and see daily, for years to come. I won’t be stuck in a routine (one of my biggest pet peeves). I’d be around people that share the same interests as me. There’s always something going on.. There’s so many possibilities.

I’m now planning another trip there because after only one visit, I miss it.

New York, I’ll be back soon.
P.S. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was really good! You should definitely go and see it if you haven’t. I am obsessed with it after only watching it once.

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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Fashion Rappers | Yeezus, Dominic Lord + More

Two things you should know about me: 1.) I love fashion and 2.) I love rap music. So when I can get both of those things in one, I fall in love with whoever is feeding my obsession. Enter the fashion rappers. You all know them. They have designer friends, they model for major fashion magazines and occasionally collaborate with designers on fashion lines.
What I love about fashion rappers is that they love the two things -fashion and rap- that I love too. Of course a lot of celebrities have stylists but you can identify who actually has personal style and are not just a product of a good styling team.Not only do they wear designer garments and party with designer friends but they also share those moments in their music. When you spend all of your time reading fashion magazines and perusing fashion blogs daily like I do, you feel like you can relate when Kanye says “spending everything on Alexander Wang“. You feel connected to Ye’ when he raps about the models in”Christian Dior Denim Flow”. Pusha T makes me believe that we would be best friends when I hear him rap “haha knock it off. Neiman’s, shop it off.

Kanye West or as I like to say, Yeezus, is the best out there. He’s my favorite rapper because of how creative and multifaceted he is. He refuses to be put into a box and I love that. I like to dabble in a lot of different things so I understand where he’s coming from. Kanye has had a lot of looks throughout his musical career and it keeps people interesting in what he will do next.
One of my favorite posts from Lateboots.com show casing all of Yeezi’s looks.

Some other favorites in the fashion rap world are: A$AP Rocky, who has a supermodel girlfriend. Pusha T, who raps about street life, mixed with lines about Italian Vogue styling him. And a new discovery, Dominic Lord, whose mixtape Over World is being released soon and models in Teen Vogue’s May Issue.

Dominic Lord in V Magazine.

I tend to listen to my fashion rapper favorites when I’m creating anything new and when I’m getting dressed, of course. They inspire me because they are rapping about the world that I’m entering and I know that they understand my need to create and inspire. They are the ones who inspire my work and I hope to inspire them in one way or another some day soon.
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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

#SPRINGMAKEOVER: Updating your beauty, fitness and eating routines

It’s that time of year again. You know, warm weather, more revealing clothing and consequently, more efforts to get fit. I know that being healthy and getting fit will not be a successful endeavor if it’s only for the short term. It’s a lifestyle change that I think I’m ready to commit to. I decided to do a spring makeover series (#SPRINGMAKEOVER) and document these healthy lifestyle changes as I try to get myself in tip top shape.

This is just an excuse to change up my look and life, as if I needed any reason; I love change! Not only will I be transforming my exercise and eating routine, I will also be changing up my look. I love trying new looks every season when it involves my hair. I recently gathered a few inspirational pictures to take to my stylist and I’m excited to book the appointment and debut my new do.

I’m not stopping there. I’m also in the midst of cleaning out my closet and revamping my wardrobe. I haven’t done any major shopping in a long time, so this is overdue. I have been swamped with school and work and I need retail therapy immediately. Attention must be paid. Look out for upcoming posts featuring the overhaul of my life, diet, closet and beauty routine. It’s time for a transformation.

With all of that said, I got a new bike! Isn’t she cute? I love her so much. She needs a name, so feel free to throw some out there. It’s so bright and colorful; I just love it! My mom and I went for a bike ride today and it was so nice (and tough). Now that it’s warm out, this is going to be great exercise. I’ve already started recruiting for bike rides with my friends. 

Today was only step one of my #springmakeover. I have to find somewhere to stash this leftover Easter candy and get ready to get fit! Who’s with me? 

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