Interning in New York City + New Fall Routines

Clockwise: Backstage at Ottolinger, backstage pass for  DKNY, and wristband for one of the shows I worked.

Internship, Work Life, & Blogging

Now that NYFW is over and the shows have moved to Paris, things at my New York PR Internship and my home life are getting back to normal. During fashion week I was barely sleeping or eating. Though I only worked four shows, it was really hectic. Now that everything is calming down, I’m getting to know the other interns and employees at the PR company where I’m interning until December. I’m really liking everyone there. The other interns are really cool and funny. Sometimes it takes me a while to get comfortable in large group settings but I feel myself easing into it and even though my workdays are long, I’m grateful for everything I’m learning at my New York PR Internship and all of the people I’m meeting.

Recently, I decided to quit my retail job and focus only on interning and blogging. Ever since making that tough decision, I have felt the best I ever have. I literally felt like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders. I’m so happy that I now have so much time to blog and create content for you that I can be proud of. I’ve always wanted to blog full time and I know that the only way I can make that happen is to post quality content consistently and engage more on social media. Social media has changed the way we give and receive information and I want to change with it. I foresee a lot of growth for this blog and I hope you will follow along.

Fall & Starting Fall Routines

As everyone knows, Fall is my favorite season for so many reasons. I could do an entire post on why I love Fall, but I’ll spare you. In short, I love Fall because of the fashion, the cool breeze, the cozy nights, and the chance to reset and begin new routines.

I don’t know what it is but I always start at least one new routine during the Fall season. Some things that I’m looking forward to getting into are starting a new health and fitness plan, running, cooking at home, blogging a few times a week, and restarting my beloved Sunday night pampering routine. If you’d like to know exactly what I do, let me know and I’ll do a detailed post on it. Now that I have more time on my hands, I have a list of things that I want to get done and I can’t wait to start checking things off.

One of the things I want to make a habit is vlogging my NYC adventures. I’m back to vlogging and I hope you’ll follow along. Subscribe to my channel here and watch the first of many vlogs below.


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