Happy New Year! Can you believe 2016 is over? I just don’t know where the time has gone! Anyways.. Today’s post is going to be me filling you in on what I have in store for my social media, blog, and youtube channel for 2017. I strive to get better every day and I love sharing content with you all. I’m always open to suggestions on what content I share, so please feel free to leave them in the comments or email me at contact@theluxeminimalist.com.
The Luxe Minimalist Blog
This past year, TLM has mainly been a beauty blog, but this year I really want to post more fashion, and lifestyle content. I love home decor and interior design, so I will definitely be adding more of that here. I’m also into improving my lifestyle and I think if I share my fitness journey, it can help others on their journey as well.
I’m planning on a website revamp soon as well. I like to change up the look of TLM every now and then to make it more pretty and functional for my readers. Stay tuned for the redesign. I’m also investing a lot in the branding as well, which I am very excited about.
The Luxe Minimalist YouTube
My channel is a place where I want to inspire others, whether it be the way I do my hair, get ready for the day, organize my makeup, style my outfits, decorate my home, etc. I also post vlogs there too, but Glenn and I started a second channel for vlogs so make sure you subscribe there if you want to see what we’re up to. Subscribe here for The Luxe Minimalist channel. I’ll be doing favorites, hauls, styling, home decor, organizational videos and much more!
Social Media
If you go to my instagram, you’ll see that I don’t have many photos. There aren’t that many photos of myself up on my social media because in 2016 I took social media too seriously. I overthought every post and would delete many of them after they had been posted for a while. This year, I want to focus on using my social media has visual and written scrapbooks so by this time next year, I will have so many memories from the year before. I can barely remember half the things I did last year because I deleted so many of my memories from instagram. This is another reason I want to get more into vlogging. I want to have footage to look back on.
Speaking of youtbue, there’s a new vlog up on my channel!
Watch below and don’t forget to subscribe.