The $100 Cleansing Device That I Would Repurchase

About 5 years ago, armed with a $100 Macy’s gift card that I received as a Christmas present from my grandma, I made my way to the beauty section inside the department store at my local mall. I was debating on buying a new perfume or nude eyeshadow palette when I turned to see the tower of Clarisonic cleansing devices in multiple colors on sale. Remembering that my sister regularly used one of these brushes, I texted her to ask if it was something she’d recommend. After receiving her positive review, I picked up a blue and white polka dot version that just the right price, $99.
Since then, the Clarisonic Mia 2 and I have had a long-lasting relationship. Although the cleanser has changed frequently, the method has not. I’ve tried various brush heads with it and with the exception of the Cashmere Cleanse Brush Head (it was too gentle), I’ve had great experiences with them.
Recently, I had neglected my beloved cleansing brush for a couple of weeks while using the Summer Fridays Gel Cleanser because of the cleanser’s thin texture and noticed a difference in the feeling of my skin. Since adding the Chanel La Mousse Cream-to-Foam Cleanser to my routine, I’ve gone back to the Clarisonic and I’ve noticed the difference. Before, my skin’s texture felt rough but immediately after using the Clarisonic, my skin smoother than ever. Now, my fingers alone just won’t do. I’ll never neglect my Clarisonic again and if it ever gives out, I’ll definitely be repurchasing it.
Note: The Mia 2 has been discontinued and replaced with a newer version called the Mia Prima linked above.