Life Update

I know, I’m a terrible blogger. Forgive me!
I felt the need to take some time out to update you all on what’s been going on with my life and TLM. So let’s get straight to it..
This semester has been flying by. It’s been a whirlwind of papers, long reading assignments and the usual tasks asked of college students. I’ve just gotten done with midterms and my fall break is at the end of this week! I’m so excited to have some time off to relax and head to Dallas to see some of my family. I’m also going to be using that time to get re-organized and plan some blog posts (I promise!).
I’m interning at Gambit Weekly’s Cue Magazine and I love it. It’s giving me a taste of what it’s like to write for a magazine. My daily tasks vary and I love that. I’m not a routine type of girl so I feel that this is the perfect job for me to be pursuing.
My life outside of interning and school consists of working and watching youtube. When I have free time I don’t want to do anything but spend time with my loved ones and relax. I’m trying to get organized to the point where I set aside time for blogging, working out and relaxing.
Also, I’m on a No-Buy until the holiday season. I need to save money and also use up the ridiculous amount of makeup/beauty/haircare products that I already own. I’m trying to detoxify my life and everything in it (post on this soon). I’m trying to eliminate the excess in my life and control what I spend on. So, I’ll be “shopping my stash” (as my you tubers say) and using things that I neglect. This also applies to my closet.
That’s what’s currently happening in my life. I’m going to schedule some posts over this weekend so get excited!
To keep up what’s going on with my crazy life, follow me on:
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Thanks for reading!
xx, Coreyiel