Hashtag #GOALS | March 2015
I’ve decided to start sharing my goals here every month as a way to keep myself on track and accountable. Also, I think it’ll help others out who may have some of the same goals has mine. These are my #GOALS for March 2015.
- Pack lunch for work at least 3 a week. – I’m always on pinterest pinning recipes but I never get around to actually making them. I’m going to attempt some of my saved recipes to take with me to work/school.
- Work out [in the morning] at least 3 times a week. – Working in the morning boosts my energy, metabolism and mood. I struggle with getting up early to work out but with all of the benefits coming from it, I’m going to try my hardest to get my workouts done in the morning.
- Eat more fruits and vegetables. – I go through phases where I’ll eat my fruits and vegetables one week and then won’t have any for the rest of the month. I’m going to try and have them at least 4 days out of the week.
- Perfect the winged eyeliner. – This is something I’ve been working on. I’m going to keep practicing and post a picture of my skills at the end of the month. [Leave any tips for achieving the perfect winged eye below.]
- Spring cleaning. – It’s time for me to go through my wardrobe and get rid of the things I never wear/use.
- Add hardly worn clothing into my rotation. – I tend to rotate certain pieces until I get tired of them and I never see them again afterwards. I’m going to try to give some of my older but loved pieces some attention.
- Save more money! – I’m planning to move at the end of this year, so I need to save as much money as possible. Some of my other #GOALS in this post will help out with this, such as bringing lunch from home and repurposing my older clothing.
- Study more. – I only go to class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I have a lot more free time than usual. I want to spend more time studying than I currently do. I have to learn to stop waiting until the very last minute.
That is everything I want to achieve this month. Not only do I want to work on these things just for March, I want them to become habits. What are you currently trying to achieve? How do you plan on doing it?