I love this photo. Taken by Tori.
Life after College
As you know by now, I graduated from college in May and life has been.. quiet. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy that I don’t have to attend classes 3 times a week but life without a bigger purpose is depressing. Right now, I’m working full-time and trying to save money. Let me say this, working a normal 9-5 job is not the life for me. Corporate America is not the life for me. I have a need to be creative. I get a feeling of melancholy when I can’t be creative. This is why the blog posts have started rolling out again. This is my creative outlet and I need to contribute to it regularly to be happy and feel like my creative, fashion and beauty loving self. I know that I am in a stage that will ultimately help me get to where I want to be, so I am ignoring the voice in my head asking “why are you doing this?” and keeping my eyes on the prize.
Speaking of the prize, I’m moving in 3 months! It’s official, I’m moving to New York in October. My brother just moved there a couple of weeks ago and has already secured our apartment in Brooklyn. I can’t keep a secret, especially not one this big. This news came at a time when I was ready to give up. God saw that I was getting pessimistic and gave me what I needed to get me back on the right path. The apartment is beautiful and I can’t wait to move in and start my journey in the world of fashion magazines. I have a new outlook when I go to work and I’m excited to plan out my move over the next 3 months.
With the upcoming move, it has me thinking about my friendships. I have friends that I have met through school and work that have become lifelong sisters and brothers to me. It makes me really sad to think that I have to leave and have so much distance between us. I’m going to take the next few months to create unforgettable memories with them. Not all of us will have much distance between us. I have one friend who has just moved to a different part of NY and will be only a 2 hour train ride away. I’m excited to have someone to explore this new territory with. I will also have my sister and her boyfriend’s (my brother) support since we will all be roommates. This is going to be a fun and new journey that will help me build on my friendships and relationship with my family, as well as forge new friendships along the way. It’s a bittersweet time but I know it will all work out in the end.
Has anyone recently moved to a new town? What was your experience in finding a new job, a new place to live and building new friendships?