Happy New Year!

Happy New Year beautiful people! Can you believe it’s already 2015? I can’t. Where did the time go? Anyway.. I’m so excited for this new year. I have so many plans for myself and theluxeminimalist.com. I’ll give away one of my plans.. Videos! I finally got a new DSLR and it shoots HD videos, so I will have beauty, fashion and lifestyle related videos coming soon. My laptop is acting up but as soon as I get that figured out, you will be seeing more of me!

Yen Gang Tuxedo Pants2014 was an amazing year for me! I relaunched my blog, interned at a fashion magazine and got asked to be featured in Marie Claire. I know that 2015 will be a year for even more growth and I can’t wait to see where life leads me. I’m graduating in May and hopefully, moving later this year. I have so much to be thankful for and so much more to look forward too. I hope that The Luxe Minimalist grows and becomes more of a full-time thing. I know consistency is key and I’m working on that. I’m starting the new year with an outfit posts and there will be more changes to come.Yen Gang Tuxedo PantsAs for NYE, I had a very low key night. I went by a friend and we just hung out there with a group of friends. I like more intimate settings like that. Everyone had a great time. I kept my outfit simple with this red sweater that I got on sale from H&M and these Yen Gang tuxedo pants. I wore my white ASOS heels that I love. And of course I’m carrying my Alexander Wang Rocco; it’s my baby. It was a fun night and the perfect way to bring in the new year.

My face of the night: I kept my makeup on the natural side. Since I was wearing a bright top, I chose to do nude lips. I wore a berry tone blush (Chanel’s Plum Attraction) and my take on a smokey eye (NARS’ Kalahari and Mekong; I love). I’m wearing my trusty Nars Sheer Glow Foundation and Dior’s Amber Diamonds highlighter.

I’m looking forward to this new year. Share you resolutions or something great that happened in 2014. I’d love to hear! And stick around for what’s coming to TLM. Love you guys. Thanks for reading!


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